August 26, 2022

Past Paper Model Answer

Paper Paper Model Answer

Paper 1 2019 5 Marker: With reference to Extract A, explain the difference between a positive statement and a normative statement. 5 marks

Knowledge - 1 mark

Analysis - 3 marks

Application - 1 mark

Structure (1 Paragraph)

Knowledge - Define concept from the question

Analysis - Answer question and elaborate

Application - Reference the extract

A positive economic statement is a statement that can be tested to determine whether it’s true or false. A normative statement is a value judgement that cannot be tested. Normative statements tend to be an opinion and include words like fair, unfair, worse or better.

An example from the extract of a positive statement is “the energy bills of 11 million households will be capped for five years”. An example of a normative statement from Extract A is the “market is broken”. This is an opinion and may not reflect reality or the views of others.

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